Payroll Services
NHS organisations are increasingly seeking shared services and outsourcing solutions for back-office functions as vehicles for achieving efficiency savings.
The LPP Payroll Services framework (2016/S 172-309970) has now expired and following an internal review of this offer will not be replaced with a new framework.
However, LPP understand that there will still be a requirement for the NHS to procure payroll services in order to achieve back-office efficiency savings and that this may be something increasingly procured collaboratively. With this in mind LPP are offering different bespoke packages of support to NHS organisations who wish to run a procurement for ooutsourced payroll services, either individually or as part of a collaboration.
To facilitate this LPP are maintaining our market knowledge in this category to ensure we can support your requirements through our bespoke support offer. A procurement for payroll services can be time-consuming and LPP are able to provide the skilled resource that you need in order to realise savings through a successfully awarded contract and service transition period.
The support packages are availble to all NHS organisations and their public sector partners where there is a collective effort to combine back-office functions and the NHS organisation is the primary Contracting Authority.
If you are interested in engaging LPP to support your procurement for Payroll Services then please contact for more details.