
Statutory Audit and Multi-Specialty Audit Services

Auditing is an essential part of the process of accountability for public money and makes an important contribution to the stewardship of public resources and the corporate governance of public services.

Financial Benefits

Savings and financial benefits can be achieved through: 

- Ceiling rates already established which can be reduced via a further competition. Pricing can be less than, but not more than the providers upper limit pricing value

- Cost transparency through a clear pricing structure

- Suppliers’ pricing remains anonymised and confidential to help maintain competitive pressure

- Pricing held for three years


Other Benefits


- Reduced risk- contractual terms and conditions that meet FCA audit regulations ensuring audit services are compliant

- Ability to direct award hence reduction in time taken to procure services

- The terms and conditions of the framework agreement and call off contracts have been agreed with each framework provider so no further legal dialogue is required

Lot 1

External Audit

Lot 2

Internal Audit

Lot 3

Counter Fraud Services

Lot 4

Internal Audit & Counter Fraud Services

Lot 5

Workforce Investigation Services

Lot 6

Not Awarded

Lot 7

Local Security Management Specialists

Lot 8

Consultancy Audit and Financial Services

Please refer to User Guide

More information
Guidance on the Local Procurement of External Auditors for NHS Trusts and CCGs
This content is only available for NHS LPP members
NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership: accessing the CPP hubs' framework agreements
Click here >

Request a customer access agreement
