
NHS LPP Framework Agreement for the Provision of X-Ray Contrast and Scan Media

NHS LPP Framework Agreement for the Provision of X-Ray Contrast and Scan Media

Contract Overview

Start 06/10/2021
End 05/10/2024 - Re-tender due this year
Contract type Framework (Call Off)
Authority NHS London Procurement Partnership (GSTT)
Atamis FW Ref C49103
Initial Period  24 months
Extension date 24 months
NHS LPP Ref LPP/2021/099
NHS LPP Contact
Call off route Direct award or through further competition



Lot 1 Non iconic contrast media
Lot 2 Gadolinium contrast media
Lot 3 Ionic contrast media
Lot 4 Specialist contrast media


Bayer Plc
Bracco UK
GE Healthcare Pharmaceutical Diagnostics
Guerbet Laboratories Ltd

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