
Total Pharmaceutical Gas Solutions

Total Pharmaceutical Gas Solutions


Contract Overview

Start 10/02/2025
End 09/02/2029
Contract type Framework
Authority London Procurement Partnership (GSTT)
Atamis FW Ref C336352
Initial Period  48 months
Extension date N/A
NHS LPP Ref LPP/2022/002
NHS LPP Contact
Call off route direct award or through further competition


Lot 1 Liquid Medical Oxygen Supplier(s) shall provide a Supply of Medical Liquid Oxygen, storage equipment and any other ancillaries and associated Goods in accordance with all statutory regulations.
Lot 2 Medical Gas Cylinders and associated cylinder tracking Supplier(s) shall provide a specified selection of medical gases in appropriate cylinders to Participating Authorities; with associated services. E.g., delivery, collection, maintenance, tracking and audit.
Lot 3 Nitric Oxide Therapy This specification outlines the general requirements for this framework agreement for nitric oxide therapy. Please read the introduction to the specification if you are bidding for nitric oxide alone.
Lot 4 Ambulance Medical Gas Cylinders and associated cylinder tracking The successful Supplier(s) will be required to supply cylinders containing a variety of medical gases to several specified sites within the United Kingdom Ambulance Trusts and other organisations named as participants.
Air Products Ltd
BTG Gases
Medical Gas Solutions Limited trading as Flogas

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