
Workforce Support – Occupational Health Framework

Start: 23-03-21
End: 22-03-25
Contract type: Framework (Call Off)
Accessible to: All Public Sector
Authority: Crown Commercial Service
OJEU Award Ref:
Initial period (years): 4.00
Extensions remaining: 0.00
NHS LPP Ref: RM6182
NHS LPP contact: Stephanie Alexander / 07395 372048 /

Occupational Health, Employee Assistance Programmes and Eye Care Services is designed to support employee physical and mental health and wellbeing.

It provides a solution for a range of occupational health services, employee assistance programmes and eye care requirements.

The available services reflect the needs and accessibility requirements of the modern and diverse workforce.

This includes traditional occupational health services such as:

  • Advice
  • Referrals
  • Health screening
  • Surveillance
  • Treatments

The agreement also offers innovative and preventative solutions such as, psychological screening and health surveillance, for a proactive approach to employee health and well-being. You will have the flexibility to choose the services that meet your specific needs.

The employee assistance programmes uses the latest technology, which allows employees to access support from mobile phone applications or through live chat at any time.

This agreement is a Workforce Alliance (WA) framework, which replaces the CCS Framework for Occupational Health, Employee Assistance Programmes and Eye Care (RM3795). It will run for four years with no possibility to extend.

Our market engagement indicates that NHS workers are expected to be referred as a result of the experience throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic has changed all of our lives in so many ways and one of the main areas of concern is the detrimental impact on health and wellbeing. NHS trusts are adapting to ensure they have the services available to support employees and our framework has been developed to help you do that. The framework enables you to just select the services you need to help complement an existing in-house provision either by offering extra capacity or services that are not available in-house.

Lot 4 for occupational health on a regional basis, means you can choose a supplier that is able to provide services locally in a specific region.

Lot 1 - Occupational Health and Employee Assistance Programmes

Lot 2 - National Occupational Health

Lot 3 - Employee Assistance Programmes only

Lot 4 - Regional Occupational Health only

Lot 5 - Eye Care

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