Mobile Telephony eAuction: indicative 64% savings

The eight trusts which signed up to commit their mobile telephony services in a demand aggregation project are seeing indicative savings of 64 per cent.

The mobile voice and data services aggregation DAP project is nearing the point at which contracts will be signed by participating trusts with the winning bidder Telefonica O2 UK. The opportunity to participate was given to the 32 trusts in the DAP pilot and was opened up to all LPP members. Eight trusts signed up to commit their business into the tender and price-only eAuction.

The indicative average savings across the eight trusts are 64 per cent based on a like-for-like comparison of connections, data, voice, text volume profiles, bolt-ons, and assuming alternative arrangements for devices as these were deliberately unbundled from the new contract.

Trusts have been invited to a workshop with Telefonica O2 and the CCS ICT team on 4th November where they will be guided through the implementation approach and will have the chance to ask questions. In addition the CCS ICT, LPP Technology and the DAP PMO teams are providing support on an as-required basis to trusts to complete their business cases prior to signing the contract in November.

For more information contact LPP's DAP project managerĀ
