New workplan published at LPP conference
Members were introduced to the 2014-15 workplan - the result of a year of active engagement and consultation with trusts - at yesterday's member event, and challenged to continue the high level of engagement by chair Lorraine Bewes.
Presentations from the day, the workplan, and a UCLH video showing how they managed the cultural and practical shift to bringing the reliance on agency staffing right down are available to view on our website.
Pia Larsen (Interim Head of Procurement at UCLH) and Richard Humble (LPP agency workstream lead) calculated that "Based on existing demand, by transferring nursing supply from Agency to Bank we could save £40m across London or employ almost 2,000 additional nurses", and also urged the audience to go back and challenge their trusts to introduce eRostering for medics.
John Watts (Director of Procurement and eCommerce at Barts) and Marc Osborne, senior workstream lead for LPP's Medical, Surgical and Supply Chain team, demonstrated how the proactive introduction of the new Trauma framework has already put early adopting trusts on the road to £1.2m savings. In addition, Marc highlighted Barking, Havering and Redbridge's experience with the implementation of the new Floorstock framework.
Steve Williams (Head of Procurement) and Navdeep Boparpai explained how the Royal Brompton and Harefield have implemented the new LPP eSourcing suite, now available to members.
The 2014/15 workplan - meeting member needs (please note this is a secure document available only to registered members who are logged in)
Lorraine Bewes - message from the chair
Mario Varela - the landscape
Mick Corti - hub collaboration
Agency staffing - demand management
Demand Aggregation Pilot - think big
Estates and facilities - are you getting savings like these?
Medical, Surgical and Supply Chain - what we achieve when we work together; Floorstock at Barking, Havering and Redbridge
Pharmacy: challenges in medicines management
Technology - what's new for members
Royal Brompton and Harefield: our experience of the new LPP eSourcing platform
Due North: introducing the LPP eSourcing platform