Preeya Bailie joins LPP as Agency Workstream Lead
Preeya Bailie has joined LPP as Workstream Lead for the Agency and Temporary Staffing team.
Preeya has joined from Medway Council where she was responsible for all category management procurements across Children, Adults and Public Health services, and gained significant experience of outsourcing residential care homes, day centres and management of services.
Preeya joins the LPP agency team following the successful launch of the National Collaborative Framework for the supply of Nursing and Nursing related staff - the first collaboration between the four NHS procurement hubs: North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC), NHS London Procurement Partnership (LPP), NHS Commercial Solutions and East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub (EOE CPH).
Preeya has spent ten years in the public sector, and brings significant procurement experience including the understanding and application of EU Procurement Legislation and Contract Law. She has created and developed procurement functions and departments including establishing and embedding corporate procurement strategies, policies and procedures. She has significant experience in procurement change programs including outsourcing, collaboration and income generation.
Preeya will oversee the development of a further national hub collaboration - a Medical Locums framework, to replace the current London-only framework due to expire in April 2016 - as well as a demand management programme to help our NHS members address the spiralling costs of temporary staffing.
Commenting on Preeya's appointment, LPP managing director Mario Varela said: "Preeya has the skills and experience needed to enable our members to adopt best practice in managing their usage of agency staff as the current levels are not sustainable. Workshops are being planned when a toolkit will be launched that will allow trusts to measure themselves against best practice and take relevant action”.