Total Cardiology Solutions launch event and presentations
Trusts met on Friday 5th December for the launch of the Total Cardiology Solutions framework agreement, being developed by the NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership.
The NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership comprises the four NHS collaborative procurement hubs (NHS London Procurement Partnership, NHS Commercial Solutions, East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub and NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative).
The project is being led on behalf of CPP by LPP and creates a framework agreement covering the broad range of cardiology product categories on behalf of hub members, as well as being available for use by the wider NHS.
The framework agreement provides a single framework solution for the full range of cardiology products and is designed to meet the following objectives:
Improving Efficiency
To operate a strategic Framework Agreement to improve trust spend and usage data;
To reduce the volumes of tenders conducted by NHS CPP member NHS Trusts (as may change from time to time);
To simplify the procurement landscape in the NHS by seeking to reduce the proliferation of competing Framework Agreements
To provide a framework agreement that seeks to deliver savings towards the DH £2 billion procurement savings target.
Improving Safety
Release clinical time to focus on patient care;
Reduce inventory wastage risks; and
Improve hygiene with products stored in a secure clean environment.
Greater Assurance of Product Availability
To ensure that Providers are aware of the stakeholder Trusts requirements;
Providers can deliver stakeholder Trust requirements when needed; and
Reduce consumption rates by better control and accountability.
Ensure Quality
To ensure that products and services of the right quality to meet the Member Trusts needs are made available though the framework agreement
Enable Innovation
To ensure that new technologies in the Cardiology category are accommodated where appropriate in the Framework Agreement thereby enabling access to Trusts of new products at appropriate Framework Agreement prices through a route to market that is compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations
Contribute towards the DH Procurement Savings Target
To enable Trusts to contribute towards the DH procurement target of £2 billion through improved pricing and commercial opportunities under the Framework Agreement
To enable Trusts to comply with requirements under the NHS contract to achieve cost efficiencies
The Framework Agreement encompasses the following lots:
Lot 1 – Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators and Pacemakers
Lot 2 - Electro Physiology
Lot 3 - Cardiac Stents and Transcatheter Aortic/Pulmonary Valves and Insertion Devices
Lot 4 - Interventional Radiology Products used in Cardiology
Lot 5 - Hypertension - including Renal Denervation solutions
Lot 6 - Heart Valves
Lot 7 - Perfusion
Lot 8 - Perfusion Services
Lot 9 - Beating Heart Surgery Products
Lot 10 - Managed Services Solutions
Go live date is 1st April 2015.
Members who are logged in can view the presentation materials made on the day - these are available in the Supporting Information Box on the right.