London CIO Council
The efficient and effective delivery of healthcare is enabled by the innovative deployment of information systems. The continually evolving healthcare landscape, which includes local authorities in the delivery, increases the need for the exchange of timely and accurate data about patients between the different care settings. Common policies and standards are developed at a national level with limited opportunities available for open discussion between the policy and standard setters and those responsible for their implementation. To address these issues in June 2013 the NHS London CIO Council was established with the support from LPP which provides secretarial support to the Council
The CIO Council provides a single forum bringing together Chief Information Officers and Chief Clinical Information Officers from across the different care settings with representatives from NHS England and NHS Digital
The main objectives are to improve communication across the senior IT community and provide the opportunity for greater levels of interaction with policy makers and strategists working at a national level. This is now leading to increased levels of collaboration and knowledge sharing which will in turn lead to improvements in the efficiency of IT delivery and in the quality of information provision
CIO Council Mission Statement
"Our mission is to provide clinicians and patients with accurate and timely information which will lead to the delivery of better healthcare. This will be through collaboration across the London NHS trusts and local authorities by demonstrating leadership in the management of information and technology."