Conference sessions in detail

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Sustainability in Health

10:30 – 12:30

Michelle McCann and leading experts will take attendees through the key challenges and opportunities facing the NHS in the area of sustainability including the national NHS England and NHS Improvement perspective and how it fits in to the goals of the London Anchors. This session is guaranteed to bring insights for not only Estates Directors and Heads of Procurement, but to anyone with an interest in sustainability – one of the current greatest challenges facing the NHS.

Who should attend?

ICS Leads, Estates Directors, Heads of Procurement, Directors of Finance and Chief Financial Officers

Confirmed speakers

  • Alexandra Hammond, Head of Sustainable Procurement and Supply Chain, NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • Dr Mark Harber, Associate Professor and Clinical Nephrologist, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and Clinical Lead for NHS London Sustainability group
  • David Lawson, Chief Procurement Officer, SmartTogether Procurement Shared Service, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
  • Michelle McCann, Executive Director (Sustainability and Social Value), NHS LPP
  • Michael Wood, Head of Health Economic Partnerships, NHS Confederation

Strategic Workforce Planning

10:30 – 12:30

The workforce challenges being faced across the NHS are as critical as they ever have been. Whilst the NHS People Plan has set out a blueprint of key areas to focus on it is critical to reflect on how the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery has changed the way we deliver services across the NHS and the impact this has had on colleagues. Marie Gabriel CBE and Siobhan Harrington (Co-Chair’s of the London People Board) will provide an overview of the direction of this group and look to expand on where activities can be achieved on a Pan-London basis e.g. staff wellbeing.

In addition, Marie and Siobhan will be joined by colleagues from NHS England and NHS Improvement and Health Education England to further discuss critical topics such as ICS Integrations and Best Practices, Strategic Workforce Planning and improving how we work across the region.

Who should attend?

Directors of Nursing, HR Directors, ICS Leads in Workforce and Staff Bank Managers.

Confirmed speakers 

  • Marie Gabriel CBE, Chairperson at NHS Race and Health Observatory and Co-Chair of the London People Board
  • Silvio Giannotta, Head of Workforce Transformation, Health Education England
  • Siobhan Harrington, Chief Executive Officer, Whittington Health and Co-Chair of the London People Board
  • Mark Watson, Director of Workforce - London, NHS England and NHS Improvement

Health Inequalities

14:00 – 15:00

Confirmed speakers

  • Dr Bola Owolabi, Director, Health Inequalities, NHS England and Improvement
  • Jas Khambh, Chief Pharmacist & Clinical Director, Medicines Optimisation & Pharmacy Procurement, NHS LPP

Digitally Enabled Care

14:00 – 15:00 

Steve Cone, our guest speaker will discuss his experience of the importance of digitally enabled care from a clinical perspective. As a group we will then explore how innovative, gold standard procurement practices are fundamental to driving clinical digital transformation and facilitating digitally enabled care.

Who should attend?

Directors of Nursing, Chief Clinical Information Officers, Chief Nursing Information Officers, Chief Information Officers and ICS Digital Leads

Confirmed speakers

  • Steve Cone, Chief Medical Information Officer at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Chief Clinical Information Officer at Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
  • Ursula Hardwick, Category Director, Clinical Digital Solutions, NHS LPP   

*Conference agenda may be subject to change

Register now to book your place.