About our breakout sessions at the NHS LPP Annual Members' Conference

Our Annual Members' Conference, taking place on Monday 14 November at Congress Centre, 28 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS, will feature a host of concurrent breakout sessions covering key agenda items for the NHS as a whole. An outline of each breakout session can be found below.

1A: Creating a culture of collaboration – the pan-London Medicines Formulary success story

This session will demonstrate the approach used by the NHS LPP Medicines Optimisation and Pharmacy Procurement team to bring collaboration across all five London ICSs to achieve medicines optimisation, and how similar approaches can deliver collaborative efficiencies across other sectors of healthcare. We’ll be sharing the learnings from the successes of this project covering:

  • how to address unwarranted variation by meticulous reviews of practice, and aligning with a ‘do once and share’ methodology
  • our approach and learning, to encourage collaborative working amongst the five ICSs
  • how we’ve been able to improve access to medicines for Londoners, particularly where specialist care is required and received across boundaries, away from a patient’s local area
  • how we’ve optimised prescribing across the capital through the use of best-value drug choices achieved through shared discussions and decision-making, and how this thinking can have wider implications

1B: The case for greater maturity in collaboration: workforce challenges and successes

Workforce management, greater flexibility and achieving wider collaboration are the keys to addressing many of the current challenges in the NHS – as identified in the current NHS People Plan. Join us with guest speakers from NHS Professionals to discover what success looks like, and how together we can achieve so much more whilst navigating the most challenging of circumstances in workforce management.

2A: Supporting elective recovery and ensuring a sustainable supplier base throughout our estate

As the NHS continues to emerge from the pandemic, there is renewed pressure to support the system-wide response to elective recovery. This major endeavour is taking place during a period of significant turmoil within almost all supply markets caused by: rising inflation, increased demand, staffing pressures, supply chain weakness, and utility uncertainty. In addition to these challenges, NHS trusts are grappling with the need to change the ways they function on a structural level to meet the requirements of the new ICSs.
This session will look at ways that Estates and Facilities teams within trusts and ICSs can help maximise elective recovery in such a way that is sustainable for trusts, suppliers and service users, with engagement from clinicians, all of whom are counting on the NHS to deliver. We’ll provide information on how to support your trust, and will cover:

  • the potential for collaboration
  • how to ensure a robust supply base during periods of upheaval
  • how to mitigate inflationary risk through estate management
  • how NHS LPP can support with elective recovery and clinical engagement

2B: Building a procurement digital road-map for London

Road-mapping is the strategic process of determining the actions, steps, and resources needed to take the initiative from vision to reality.  Join us as we explore the digital landscape in London with rapidly increasing sector collaboration. We’ll be focusing on how and where procurement, clinical engagement, and working with stakeholders can most effectively deliver outcomes that support the creation of digital plans for better patient care.

NHS LPP are working with the London CIO Council, to undertake a discovery exercise to identify potential procurement opportunities across London, with the resulting benefits and impacts. Joining us at the workshop, will be Channel 3, the organisation conducting this exercise who will expand on the approach, progress to date and the expected outcomes. 

In addition, Liz Capp-Gray, Head of Category – Digital and Technology, Commercial Directorate, NHS England will provide the national context on current digital challenges and the role of the Commercial Directorate and NHS LPP in helping to resolve these.
