Award win for NHS LPP Social Value Manager
Siarah Meah, Social Value Manager at NHS London Procurement Partnership, has won the NHS Champion in Procurement award at the NHS London and South of England Excellence in Supply Awards.
The award was presented by Jacqui Rock, Chief Commercial Officer at NHS England, at a ceremony in London on Thursday 20 April 2023.
The award recognised Siarah’s work on the development and management of a pan-London social value toolkit to standardise the approach and create efficiencies for procurement professionals in order to maximise the impact on addressing social inequalities in London. Siarah developed a set of templates, checklists and user guides in addition to providing regular social value training and support for procurement professionals to ensure that we embed PPN 06/20 into all procurement activity.
Siarah said: “I am grateful to have received this award. Seeing NHS procurement embrace social value is a testament to both the hard work of our Sustainability and Social Value team, but also to the willingness of procurement colleagues to recognise the benefits this will bring to our trusts and local communities.
“I am thoroughly looking forward to reporting on the positive socio-economic and environmental outcomes that will be delivered as a result of our work implementing a pan-London social value approach in procurement.”
Michelle McCann, Executive Director for Social Value at NHS LPP, said: “I am delighted that the important work Siarah is doing has been recognised.”
Congratulations also go to our Digital Health and Estates Facilities and Corporate Services teams who were finalists in the NHS Procurement Transformation category, and Paul Bevan, Strategic Analyst Manager, who was shortlisted for the NHS Champion in Procurement award.