Flexible Resource Pool - Staff Bank rates reduced
The Workforce Alliance is pleased to announce that the framework rates for Flexible Resource Pool - Staff Bank have been substantially reduced.
The framework is designed to help the NHS and other public sector organisations flexibly manage their workforce through staff bank services.
Reduced framework rates
The Workforce Alliance partnership has worked with suppliers to agree further framework efficiencies for the benefit of customers and suppliers.
To support the drive to increase bank usage in the NHS, the alliance has reduced the supplier management charge on this framework from 4.5% to 1% of supplier fees.
Suppliers have passed this reduction straight on to customers by reducing their maximum framework rates. All suppliers have reduced their rates and, in some instances, this has led to rate reductions of as much as 42% (based on typical bank usage).
NHS England and NHS Improvement approved
As well as highly competitive rates, the framework is the first (and currently only) staff bank agreement approved by NHS England and NHS Improvement.
This is thanks to a commitment to ‘bank first’, supporting effective bank delivery for the NHS and providing robust framework standards and management. This includes requirements for framework suppliers to conduct employment checks in full compliance with the NHS Employers Check Standards.
Workforce Alliance support
With the support of the Workforce Alliance team, customers with existing contracts are already seeing their rates reduce in line with these framework reductions.
If you would like help from our team of experienced framework managers to ensure you get best value on your staff bank services, please get in touch. As well as advice on how to direct award and the further competition process, we offer an assisted procurement service.
The framework has recently been extended until 2 July 2022, so there is plenty of time to get a contract in place and benefit.
To find out how the Workforce Alliance can help you with staff bank services please email your local Workforce Alliance partner:
Crown Commercial Service
NHS Commercial Solutions
East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub
NHS London Procurement Partnership
NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
On behalf of Workforce Alliance