Introducing the new pan-London Social Value Tool
NHS LPP was asked to procure a social value reporting and monitoring tool on behalf of the five London ICBs with a view to standardising the approach to social value across the region. The London Anchor Board supported this approach which would allow a common report of the quantity of social value delivered by the NHS in London.
Following a collaborative procurement exercise which was delivered with representatives from all five ICBs, the Social Value Portal was selected as our Social Value monitoring and reporting tool provider. London Anchors also pump primed the cost of the first 50 user licences split equally between the five ICBs.
Social Value tool configuration for London ICB priorities
Once the contract was awarded in December, the tool needed to be configured so that it could impact the social value imperatives for London. We reached out to the five ICBs to understand the inequalities in their communities that they wanted to address. These were mapped against existing social value models including PPN 06/20, NHSEI supplementary guidance and GLA TOMS. The GLA TOMS, like the resulting NHS London TOMS, is a subset of the National TOMs (an established social value measurement standard across the UK which includes Themes, Outcomes and Measures). The resulting NHS set of measures specifically address the known social value priorities in London, creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for us to use. It is our intent to review these at regular intervals to ensure they are still fit for purpose and the first review will take place in the coming weeks following the release of the 2022 National TOMS.
Analytics for reporting at multiple levels
The measures selected map onto the five social value themes of (i) Covid Recovery (ii) Economic Inequality (iii) Fighting Climate Change (iv) Equal Opportunity and (v) Wellbeing as outlined in PPN06/20. They include 20 core and 30 additional measures which we can use to track and report on at department, trust, ICB or pan-London levels.
Are you in need of practical support and training?
We have produced some guidance and template schedules that you can incorporate into your tenders to link these to the tool. If you have an upcoming tender, please get in touch so that we can provide support.
We also have some additional training resources in the form of recordings which are available for you via the Social Value training workspace on my.lpp (you’ll need your my.lpp login details to do this). If you have any questions reagrding access please contact Jennifer Lau.
We’re here to help
We’d love to hear from you. If you’d like more information about Social Value and/or are interested in attending future events on this topic, please contact, in the first instance.