NHS London Procurement Partnership Steering Board in shape for 2020
NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) has launched the year with a reshape of its steering board to strengthen its collaborative approach to providing a complete business service for the NHS as it delivers the Long Term Plan.
The new Board membership, which will be finalised by the end of April, follows on from a year of growth and transformation for the organisation, including a new business strategy and new executive management structure.
As part of the new structure, the NHS LPP Steering Board agreed that John Goulston, Chair of the Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust will continue to lead the Board as Chair, with Hari Sundaresan, former Chief Procurement Officer of BT as Vice Chair. They will be joined by the London Regional Directors of Finance and Chief Pharmacist for NHS England & Improvement, as well as representatives from NHS LPP members and each of the five sustainability and transformation partnerships in London.
John Goulston, Chair of the NHS LPP Steering Board said:
“Our Board will represent the new healthcare landscape even more closely, in order to support NHS LPP with its ambitious plans for the future. This is an exciting time for NHS LPP and our Board members have already made a vital contribution to the development of its new vision.
“The reshape will ensure we bring the best complementary skills, robust governance structure and broad insight from across the healthcare system to the organisation. This builds on the inclusive process of collaboration for NHS LPP and will help guide it into the future as we help NHS LPP’s members deliver the NHS Long Term Plan.”
Hari Sundaresan, Vice Chair of the NHS LPP Steering Board said:
“NHS LPP is a dynamic and forward-thinking organisation which will play a crucial role in helping the NHS across London - and nationally - continue to deliver the best care for patients into the future.
“It’s a privilege to be able to use my procurement experience in a large multinational company to support NHS LPP as the leadership team delivers on the new vision for the future.”