NHS LPP is supporting NHS Counter Fraud Authority
NHS LPP is supporting NHS Counter Fraud Authority to help raise awareness on preventing fraud during these unprecedented times.
NHS LPP is supporting NHS Counter Fraud Authority to help raise awareness on preventing fraud during these unprecedented times. An animation and a range of resources have been made available on the NHS Counter Fraud Authority website to remind NHS organisations to stay vigilant and ensure they are fully informed.
As the NHS has responded to the crisis, NHS Counter Fraud Authority has identified additional risk related to the urgency placed on paying suppliers within seven days (instead of the usual 30) as well as the surge of new staff joining the NHS workforce. Analysis shows organisations are more vulnerable to mandate fraud in particular during periods of crisis, which occurs when someone contacts an NHS organisation with an urgent request to change payment details. Among the advice are tips for NHS staff to periodically confirm supplier information held on file, the use of a bank account amendment form for changes of bank account details and a dual control procedure for authorising payments. More information is available at https://cfa.nhs.uk/fraud-prevention/COVID-19-guidance/mandate-fraud-risks
NHS LPP will continue to share more tips and advice from NHS Counter Fraud Authority to support our members as they transition through pandemic. Look out for more in this bulletin and on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts in the coming weeks. For more information on how we are working with NHS Counter Fraud Authority to support you, contact Helen.Lynch@lpp.nhs.uk