Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS) and sustainability webinar - 12 December 2024
NHS LPP was delighted to be hold a webinar on the recently published NHS LPP-led paper on Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS), which looks at the sustainability impact of Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS) and integrating Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) with procurement and prescribing.
About the webinar
Led by Rebecca Fisher, Allied Health Professional Prescribing and Procurement Advisor, Denise Rosembert, Assistant Director for Medicines Optimisation and Simon Rowland, Sustainability Manager, the webinar shared and spread the SusQI approach to ONS sustainability and carbon impact for nutrition products. Key questions which were covered, included:
- What is SusQI?
- What is the societal and sustainability impact of ONS?
- Which products are in scope?
- Scoping the impact of ONS
- Next steps:
- Develop and refine a more accurate carbon factor
- Application to other nutritional products
- Lifecycle analysis
- Behaviour change
For background, take a look here at the NHS LPP-led paper on Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS).
Webinar slides and recording
If you missed the session, you can view the webinar slides here or please watch the recording here.
Any questions?
Please get in touch with Rebecca.Fisher@lpp.nhs.uk if you have any enquiries about this webinar.