Recognition for NHS LPP at the HCSA Awards 2024

The NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) team was thrilled to be recognised in two award categories at the recent HCSA Awards 2024, held on Thursday 14 November at the Telford International Centre.

The NHS LPP Sustainability and Social Value team were crowned winners in the Sustainability/Social Value Excellence Award category. 

The team’s winning nomination recognised their work to develop a pan-London Social Value toolkit, creating a standardised approach to include social value in tenders to enable local communities to move the dial against the social inequalities that exist in London. 

Our Managing Director, Lee Joseph, picked up Highly Commended in the Procurement/Supply Chain Leader Award category. Well done also to Steve Dunkerley for being shortlisted for the Lifetime Achievement Award and to Chris Black who was shortlisted in the Procurement Excellence Award category.

Lee Joseph said: “It was another fantastic event organised by the HCSA, and I want to thank them for all their hard work on putting together the conference and awards. I am so proud of our Sustainability and Social Value team for picking up the Sustainability/Social Value Excellence Award – the work they do is invaluable to support NHS organisations across the country and they are leaders and experts in their field. Well done to Steve Dunkerley and Chris Black too for being shortlisted in their categories – an incredible achievement to be recognised in such a way.”

“I am also very honoured to have picked up Highly Commended in the Procurement/Supply Chain Leader Award category, and I want to personally congratulate Nathan Joy-Johnson for winning this award.”

Michelle McCann, Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer, said: "I am beyond proud of the work my team has put into the evolution of the pan-London Social Value toolkit which provides visibility around the commitments made in tenders as they are realised by our supply chains.”

For more details about the awards, please head to the HCSA website.
