
International Recruitment

This Framework is in response to and aligned with recommendations set out for international recruitment in the NHS Long Term Plan and the NHS People Plan. The NHS Workforce Alliance can support you in recruiting a workforce that’s reflective of the modern NHS, with diversity and inclusion strategies built into your workforce plans.

Start: 02-05-23
End: 01-05-25
Contract type: Framework (Call Off)
Accessible to: All Public Sector
Authority: Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
OJEU Award Ref: 2022/S 000-022371
Initial period (years): 2.00
Extensions remaining: 2.00
NHS LPP Ref: RM6333
NHS LPP contact: Andrzej Tarczynski / 020 3007 0600 ext. 6051 /

This offering is a compliant route to market, the framework for International Recruitment ensures compliance with NHS pre-employment standards and connects trusts with dedicated staff who are working hard to treat people with care, compassion, and dignity.



Sourcing clinical professionals through International Recruitment is vital to support the ongoing recovery of Covid19, and other service pressures across the NHS due to the substantial shortage of clinical staff in England. The NHS Long Term Plan has set out its ambition for the NHS over the next 10 years, identifying ethical and sustainable International Recruitment as a workforce priority.

Our Framework provides a compliant and ethical route to market for you to work in partnership with our experienced International Recruitment Framework Suppliers to support your recruitment campaigns and successfully meet your specific needs at all stages of your recruitment journey process.



• NHS Employers International Recruitment Code of Practice accredited suppliers (Lots 1,2 and 3)

• Specialist providers of OSCE training, relocation and pastoral services to enhance retention and candidate welfare initiatives

• Clear obligations for Framework suppliers to undertake candidate compliance checks, including ensuring latest regulatory changes, immigration policy and language requirements are met

• Tailored support for varying levels of customer experience recruiting internationally

• Choice of direct award or mini competition call-off options


Lot 1 - International Nursing and Midwifery

Lot 2 - International Doctors and Dentists

Lot 3 - International AHPs including Social Workers

Lot 4 - International OSCE Training Support Services

Lot 5 - International Candidate Pastoral Support


More information
RM6333 Framework Call-off Documents Updated20122024
This content is only available for NHS LPP members

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