NHS LPP Managing Director presents at procurement roundtable event
Michael Pace, Managing Director at NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) presented at an exclusive roundtable event on Thursday 17 February.
Michael touched upon where procurement is today and what procurement should look like in the future, and spoke about the product/service life cycle, procurement becoming more strategic, sustainability and social value and the importance of collaboration.
The event, which was hosted by the Good Governance Institute (GGI) and Optima Health, also welcomed insight from John Culkin, Assistant Director Policy Development and Implementation, NHS England, who shared discussed procurement in relation to commissioning health care services.
Key messages Michael discussed were:
• As procurement professionals, we have a strategic function to make our products and services in the NHS as efficient as possible, whilst ensuring excellent patient care is delivered
• Sustainability and social value is a critical agenda topic for the NHS. At NHS LPP we have appointed an executive lead for sustainability and social value to build on our work in this area. One key project we’re working on right now is the Sustainability and Social Value Tool, which ensures that NHS member trusts are meeting the public sector organisation legal requirement on areas relating to sustainability and social value
• As the regional organisation for London’s health economy, we are uniquely positioned to help London work together – delivering a strategy that brings procurement systems together across all five Integrated Care Boards. The unique lessons that we learn help us to support the other Integrated Care Boards which we work with across the country
• Collaboration on procurement is key, so that we can share good practice, leverage common needs and work together towards shared aims
Michael said: “It was fantastic to be a part of some interesting discussions with lots of great questions and observations put forward to John and I. Thank you to Good Governance Institute and Optima Health for inviting me to take part.”