New appointments and changes to teams at NHS LPP
We’re delighted to announce a number of appointments and changes to our teams at NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) which will help enhance the service we provide our members and customers.
Steve Dunkerley, our current Executive Consultancy Director and Ursula Hardwick, currently our Category Director for Clinical Digital Solutions, will be working exclusively on the recently launched Digital Aspirant Plus Programme with NHSE for a period of 18 months.
Hilary Gillies has joined NHS LPP as the new interim Executive Consultancy Director. Hilary will continue to build our consultancy offer to support our members and customers with bespoke solutions. Stepping in as the Category Director for Clinical Digital Solutions in place of Ursula, is Adrian Gibson who brings a wealth of experience to the role.
Michael Pace, Managing Director at NHS LPP, said: “As our team continues to grow, these changes highlight our commitment in supporting our NHS members to deliver excellent quality care whilst ensuring value for money at all times and encouraging collaborative working.”