Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme – How NHS LPP can help

You may be aware that a new Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (Grant Scheme) has just been launched, offering one billion pounds’ worth of funding for capital energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation projects. Applications are open for trusts to apply for up to 100% of costs for projects that meet a specific set of criteria. If you are part of a trust that would like to make use of this opportunity, NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) is well placed to support you with your application, as well as project delivery.

We offer access to expert advice via the NHS LPP Estates and Professional Services Dynamic Purchasing System, as well as a variety of contractors on the NHS LPP Minor Works and Maintenance Dynamic Purchasing System and Medium Value Works framework.

 If you would like to know more, please get in touch with our Estates, Facilities and Professional Services team at who would be happy to discuss your specific requirements.  

