Spotlight on: international recruitment for nurses

Suppliers have now been awarded to deliver a new pan-London service launching in early Autumn through CapitalNurse to support trusts with international recruitment of nurses.

The service will provide trusts with a single point of access in London for recruiting overseas nurses, allowing them to source the very best staff from multiple countries and agencies at the same time, reducing risk and costs. Nurses offered a role through the project will receive a standardised offer with the same financial support, onboarding process and pastoral care provided across London.

CapitalNurse is a programme of work set up in 2015 to ensure that London has the right number of nurses, with the right skills, in the right place. Its new overseas recruitment model was developed as part of a regional response to NHS Long Term Plan and is the result of a collaboration between Health Education England, NHS London Procurement Partnership supported by NHS Commercial Solutions, NHS England and NHS Improvement and London trusts.

Eleven early adopter trusts are already participating in the project and any London trust can join at any time. A new website portal to provide an interface between the nurses, trusts and agencies will go live in the coming month and a dedicated, senior workforce manager has been recruited to manage all aspects of contracts and recruitment on behalf of trusts using the service.

Selina Trueman, Deputy Programme Director, CapitalNurse said:

“This is a brand new, innovative concept in collaborative procurement which provides London trusts with greater access to the best nurses from all over the world, while at the same time saving resources by preventing them from having to go to market multiple times. It’s an excellent example of a standardised pan-London approach and is a credit to all the organisations and stakeholders who have come together to make this work.”

 To join the CapitalNurse project, or for more information on the procurement process and suppliers contact Helen Lynch, NHS LPP Strategic Partnership Director: For more information on CapitalNurse contact Selina Trueman, Deputy Programme Director, CapitalNurse:
