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Workforce Alliance
Crown Commercial Service and NHS Procurement in Partnership are working together to deliver health workforce services under the banner of the Workforce Alliance.
NHS Procurement in Partnership is a collaboration of four procurement hubs:
- NHS Commercial Solutions
- NHS East of England Collaborative Procurement Hub
- NHS London Procurement Partnership
- NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
The collaboration between NHS Procurement in Partnership and Crown Commercial Service helps ensure the NHS has easy and quick access to a sustainable workforce and is part of a long-term plan to address the staffing crisis and avoid unnecessary duplication.
Among the commercial agreements already jointly launched are the International Recruitment framework which supports not just the NHS, but the wider public sector. It addresses the NHS need to increase international recruitment to fill existing permanent vacancies with dedicated staff and aligns with recommendations set out in the NHS Long Term Plan and the NHS People Plan.
The Flexible Resource Pool – Staff Bank, is also live and provides the ability to build a flexible staff bank for both clinical and non-clinical temporary staff. This framework is the first of its kind to ensure pre-employment assurance is undertaken against NHS Employers Check Standards for all workers employed by an outsourced bank.
More recently, the Non-Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff framework agreement was launched. This replaces the previous Non-Medical Non-Clinical framework and provides access to competitive pricing, with the ability to better use fixed term appointments and statement of work.
A fourth framework - National Clinical and Healthcare Staffing - commenced in November 2020 and provides our customers with high quality temporary, permanent and fixed term clinical and healthcare staffing services. If you want to supply agency staff to the NHS please see our 'for suppliers' page. Please note, no new suppliers can be added to the agreement and would need to tender when the opportunity becomes available.
Click here to view Workforce Alliance contracts
Visit the Workforce Alliance website
For more information email lppworkforcesupport@lpp.nhs.uk