Funding opportunities to support net zero delivery
The Greener NHS team based within NHS England has highlighted two potential funding opportunities which may be of interest to our NHS LPP members. Please find details of both of these opportunities below.
£30m funding call to support the delivery of net zero
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) is partnering with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to launch a new £30 million funding programme. The expectation is that research funded through this call, will support the UK in its transition to net zero.
The new NIHR-UKRI funding call will provide up to £6 million to a number of hubs, addressing at least one of the challenge areas in the net zero agenda related to health, the human health implications of current policies and to identify new health-focused interventions. The funding will go to UK research institutions and researchers.
Please visit their website for more information and to apply.
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to open 10 October 2023
The latest funding round from the scheme providing grants to public sector bodies (including NHS trusts) to fund low carbon heating, renewable energy and energy efficiency measures, will open on Tuesday 10 October at 2pm.
The Government has made available up to £230m for projects for financial year 2024/25 with additional budget for financial year 2025/26 through Phase 3c of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to enable projects to be delivered over two years.
As previously, the scheme operates on a first come first served basis, and typically receives a large volume of applications. As a result, it is crucial that prospective applicants have the relevant documentation complete and ready to submit as soon as the portal opens. Guidance documents, including Guidance Notes, Application Form, Terms & Conditions, Applicant Journey and Privacy Notice, are now available to download and complete.
Salix is holding a number of webinars over the next few weeks to share more information and answer questions. The full list of events and registration is available. Alternatively, the team can be reached at