New digital research identifies 16 opportunities to unlock significant benefits for the NHS in London
On behalf of our members, and in conjunction with the CIO Council, NHS LPP commissioned a study on digital collaborative procurement in the region. The research and recommendations have been published for members in a new report entitled ‘Digital Collaborative Procurement’.
In the financial year 2022/23, the NHS in London spent £515 million on ‘Digital’ across 5 Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), 34 trusts and hundreds of separate contracts. Over five months, NHS London Procurement Partnership and Channel 3 Consulting engaged with Chief Information Officers at trust and ICS level, along with regional and national leadership to explore whether there are opportunities for London to make more of its £515 million investment through collaboration.
The study identified 16 separate commercial opportunities in the near, medium and long term where collaboration at either ICS or Pan-London level could unlock significant benefit for the NHS.
The research
Chief Information Officers (CIOs) across London were invited to suggest a range of both pan-ICS and pan-London potential procurement efficiency programmes and prioritise the ones that they felt provided the biggest opportunity to their organisations and the region as a whole.
The report
Provided in PDF format, you can access ‘Digital Collaborative Procurement’ here.
What are the next steps for NHS LPP members?
We are requesting the following:
1. Heads of Procurement to share the report’s findings with their Chief Digital Information Officers (CDIOs) and Chief Information Officers (CIOs). Please also share with anyone else that may have an interest in working on collaborative efficiency programmes in the IT and digital space.
2. Tell our Clinical Digital Solutions team which of the 16 opportunities you would be interested in taking part. You can do this by emailing Mark Fox at mark.fox@lpp.nhs.uk.
3. Attend subsequent ‘find out more’ calls. Invitations will be forwarded to everyone who contacts Mark, as per the above point.
Any questions?
Please get in touch with Mark at mark.fox@lpp.nhs.uk and we'll be happy to help.