Non-Emergency Patient Transport DPS to add new category: Non-Specialist Transport Service
Following member consultation conducted by the NHS PiP Transport group, a new category will be added to the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), delivered by NHS London Procurement Partnership. This new category will be the Non-Specialist Transport service.
The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) has been established to allow the NHS and wider public sector organisations to award contracts for a range of Non-Emergency Transport services which replaces the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services framework.
The new Non-Specialist Transport category will cover:
- Using a non-specialist transport service to transmit patients between hospitals, home, and other places of residence such as care homes.
- Where a regular taxi or minibus is appropriate, patients do not usually need a fully trained member of staff, and the provider does not necessarily need to be CQC-registered but should always deliver a high quality and assistive service.
- Where there is often greatest scope for new models of delivery, including multiple-use vehicles and providers, such as taxis, private hire, community transport, and volunteers.
The scope covers the provision of non-emergency patient transport services.
Invitation to members
As a result of the new category, we are now looking for volunteers to join a working group, to support the project and ensure it meets our member’s needs.
If you are interested and would like to join the working group, then please email Ashwaq Fraser at
Additionally, you can read more about the DPS here.