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Sustainability & Social Value
The Sustainability and Social Value team provides expertise and support to reduce carbon emissions, encourage value-for-money, and increase the social value of NHS and public sector procurements.
The team's focus is to drive sustainable solutions into the NHS supply chain. We are particularly focused on supporting trusts to reduce carbon emissions in line with the NHS goal to be the first carbon neutral healthcare system. Improving sustainability and circularity in NHS supply chains, as well as reducing carbon emissions, is key to reducing demands on healthcare services by improving the wider determinants of health.
We empower trusts to embed social value into all procurements through the use of our social value solution. We understand social value as a stratgic tool to reduce health inequalities and improve the health populations and communities. We therefore seek to optimise its use within NHS procurements.
Our team has expert knowledge of new, rapidly changing fields within sustainability and social value and is equipped to implement innovative, first-rate solutions which deliver savings, reduce carbon emissions, and bring benefits to local communities.
Our team can work with you to:
- Reduce trust carbon emissions in line with NHS Net-Zero goals
- Embed and deliver social value as part of trust procurements
- Reduce carbon emissions in the supply chain
- Train procurement staff in understanding and applying social value in procurement
- Engage with the market to understand and develop their social value maturity
- Explore opportunities for on-site renewables
- Analyse and evaluate suppliers’ social value commitments, delivery, and social return
Plus more.
More information
Explore more about sustainability.
Find out more about social value.
Learn about our social value solution.
For inquiries relating to sustainability and social value, contact: socialvalue@lpp.nhs.uk